Conquer Online
Classic Server
Server Status Online


Player Commands

  • /stig - to check stigma time left.
  • /scatter - to enable auto-scatter (just for archers).
  • /count - to enable or disable Arena count effects.
  • /gem - to enable or disable supergems effects.
  • /vip - shows your vip info.
  • /items - Check how many items you have in your inventory.
  • /revive - if the revive button is missing, use this.
  • /pvp - if you want to join hourly PvP Events.
  • /giveup - if you want to giveup PvP events.
  • /quests - Shows you the quest from all maps.
  • /duel - You can accept a duel when someone invites you.
  • /quitduel - if you want to quit duel.
  • /sell - to activate the offline seller mode.
  • /unique - to auto-loot unique items.
  • Vip Commands

  • /vipaura - to enable/disable vip effect.
  • /watchduel RoomID - to watch a duel.
  • /muteip "Character Name" - Cant send message to you when you block someone.
  • /passive - to activate/desactivate passive skills.
  • /clearinv - You can clear inventory. We are not responsible for lost items.
  • /invitations - Enable or disable event invitations.
  • /vipmineores - to enable or disable - it will skip ores and keep the good stuff :).
  • /skip super - to enable or disable autoloot of super items.
  • /skip elite - to enable or disable autoloot of elite items.
  • /agi number - to automatically give you the attribute points on agility.
  • /str number - to automatically give you the attribute points on strenght.
  • /spi number - to automatically give you the attribute points on spirit.
  • /vit number - to automatically give you the attribute points on vitality.
  • /mine - to activate the offline mining mode.
  • Mining Vip Commands

  • /mine - to activate the offline mining mode.
  • /vipmineores : to enable or disable - it will skip ores
  • /cleargems : to remove all normal gems (without TG)
  • /vipaura - to enable/disable vip effect.
  • /compose pg : to compose PhoenixGems (15 Gems)
  • /passive - to activate/desactivate passive skills
  • /compose dg : to compose DragonGems (15 Gems)
  • /compose fg : to compose FuryGems (15 Gems)
  • /compose rg : to compose RainbowGems (15 Gems)
  • /compose mg : to compose MoonGems (15 Gems)
  • /skip pg - to skip phoenix gems
  • /skip dg - to skip dragon gems
  • /skip mg - to skip moon gems
  • /skip vg - to skip violet gems
  • /skip rg - to skip rainbow gems
  • /skip kg - to skip kylin gems
  • /skip fg - to skip fury gems